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New Homes on James Island SC

Looking for a new home on James Island?  You've come to the right place. Whether you are new to the area or a local Charlestonian, Charleston New Homes Guide can help.  

Below are helpful links to active new home neighborhoods, available new homes for sale on James Island, a quick area overview of James Island and Charleston county. Scroll further you’ll find an interactive area map showing James Island neighborhoods with an accompanying chart with direct links to these neighborhoods and their builders.  Click on these links to learn more.

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City Overview

James Island: part city, part town and all island offers a perfect setting for a relaxed Lowcountry life

James Island is the choice location for people who want to live where there is a feeling of a small town, yet still be close to downtown Charleston. Many people who live on James Island work on the Charleston peninsula at The Medical University of South Carolina or MUSC Hospital, The College of Charleston, or The Citadel, each of which is a short commute from James Island.

Characteristics of James Island

James Island is a town with a population of approximately 12,000, an island and a suburb of Charleston. This 42 square mile island lies in Charleston County. It’s surrounded by Charleston Harbor and Wappoo Cut to its east side and the Stono River to its west side and Clark Sound to the south side. Parts of James Island lie in the town of James Island, some parts of it are within the City of Charleston and some parts of it are not incorporated into either town.

James Island is organized around several shopping areas and lacks a central downtown, though Folly Road functions as a de facto main street. Along Folly Road are many strip shopping centers with a wide variety of groceries, small, locally owned restaurants, retail, and service businesses. There is also a Walmart Super Center at the center of the Island. Harbor View Road, a main thoroughfare on James Island, is aligned to roughly parallel the eastern edge of the island, terminating in Fort Johnson Road, named for the 18th century fort located there. Today that is the site of the state of South Carolina Marine Research facility.

Getting to James Island is easy. Two major roads serve it:  Folly Road (SC 171)  brings traffic from downtown Charleston and West Ashley across the Intracoastal Waterway /  Wappoo Creek drawbridge onto the island. People commuting directly from James Island to the historic part of Charleston can take the three mile long Robert B. Scarborough Bridge  (SC Hwy 30) across the Ashley River and its marshes. Locals call the Scarborough Bridge the James Island Connector.

James Island schools include charter schools known for their excellence like James Island Charter High School, and others like Harbor View Elementary with a reputation for great student teacher relationships. A Montessori program is offered to primary grade students at Murray-LaSaine Elementary School.

What kinds of homes will I find on James Island?

Homes on James Island are being constructed in small to medium sized neighborhoods by local and regional home builders as well as national volume builders. Many of the new neighborhoods are tucked alongside creeks and marshes and feature expansive views. These new homes are  designed to resemble vernacular South Carolina Lowcountry farmhouses or Charleston single houses. Homes near the water are frequently built on pilings. These houses feature open areas beneath which many use for parking, frequently enclosing the area with lattice and using the space for storage. James Island homes frequently have cement plank siding and building materials selected to weather well in the salt air environment.

Things to see and do on James Island

The James Island Recreation Center operated by the City of Charleston offers many sports and team activities. It has a swimming pool, baseball field, basketball courts and offers kids summer camps too.

A local favorite destination, Charleston County’s James Island County Park is situated along the Stono river. The park’s admission, “allows you to enjoy grassy open meadows, saltwater fishing and crabbing, a spray play fountain (open seasonally), miles of paved trails for walking, biking, and skating, picnic spots with tables and grills, dog park, sand volleyball court, horseshoe pits, and more.” You can rent a kayak, bike or pedal boat to enjoy the park or simply stroll the trails. The Splash Zone Waterpark, climbing facility, challenge course, campground and covered shelters at the park are available for a fee.

Historic McLeod Plantation, an important Gullah/Geechee heritage site. It is open for tours and features interpretive exhibits.

Why choose to live on James Island?

Choose James Island if you want a suburban neighborhood that offers a true Lowcountry experience with proximity to rivers, creeks and marshes as well as a short commute to downtown Charleston.

City - James Island, SC
Founded - 1993
County Located in - Charleston
Zip Code - 29412
Area Code - 843
Population -  12,153 (2021 estimate)


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